One missed call is based on the similarly name, Original Japanese movie “Chakushin Ari”. Following the footsteps of “The Grudge” and “The Ring” series, all American Remakes trying to ride on the successes of the Japanese horror genre, will One Missed Call prove to be a movie to be missed instead?
"Its getting cold here"
Beth Raymond (Shannyn Sossamon) is skeptical when her best friend says her childhood friend dies after apparently receiving a voicemail received in the future which foretells her own death in her own voice….
However when she sees it happens to her friends in exactly the same way with no logical explanation at all, she gets the help of Detective Jack Andrews (Edward Burns), whom himself is mystified with his sister’s recent death in a similar fashion.
As they try to find out the source of the calls, Beth herself receives one missed call from a friend she just witness her death a few seconds ago….
One of the main reasons why Japanese horror shows are so successful is the way the story drives the movie, keeping the suspense right to the end. And to do that, the character development, focusing on the main character, of course has to be immersed together with the storyline.
Using a total replicate of the plot from the original japanese version, Shannyn acting as the main character has her work cut out. However her acting does not let down the plot one bit. The most commendable part should be the change of emotions from appearing calm over her friends’ death to being panicky when she receives the missed call herself.
For those who haven’t watched the Japanese version, One Missed Call promises to keep the audiences freezed to the seats with the classic sudden scares in between the show. But the most entertaining and talked about part will probably be the answer to how and why it all started, which will be revealed right at the end of the show…
For those who did watch the original version, the plot is almost exactly the same, so the only new thing would be the more advanced graphics display, which is a welcome plus for the show.
Now I just hope I do not get any voicemail dated in the future…..
Illogical Scene detected! (Contains spoilers!)
When Leann (Beth’s best friend) is struck by a train and dies, her body seems to be still in one whole piece, while her hand is dialing the phone! I wonder how is that possible..
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