Saturday, May 12, 2007

Diary : A day at the zoo

It was time to re-visit mother nature, to remember that in this modern world, humans live side by side with animals. So my wife and I woke up early Saturday morning (rare indeed), to travel to a place where man’s cruelty do not exist. ~ THE SINGAPORE ZOO.

My Wife's greatest fear...ENLARGED

Mammals, Critters and Orang Utans

We grabbed the map and tried to plan our route, but gave up as there was just too much to do in such a big area. But we did remember to go for the various shows available.

There were quite a few new areas that have appeared since we both came here (donkey years ago). One of the most enjoyable ones was the fragile forest. Once we were past the entrance to an enclosed area, we immediately felt like we were in a small forest.

Time...abundance for animals

Mousedeers, lemurs, flying monkeys(?) and even the laziest animal in the world, the sloth, were spotted running and climbing around which made the experience really up close and personal.

Cash prizes for those who can guess the animal count correctly

He's watching me....

We enjoyed the critters area too, with the small sized monkeys and weasels like animals running around actively and nibbling at their food.

And of course, who can forget about the Orang Utans. They swing effortlessly using the ropes at the free range area, making you feel at ease that they are not just constrained to just an enclosed area of space.

Nope, none of them is my wife...Phew..

All things happy come to an end. Despite us being tired, we still make sure we saw most of the animals available for viewing before we reluctantly left the zoo. I’m glad I decided to make this far trip as it reminded us that humans are not alone in this world, and we should do all we can to make it stay that way.


Stavanger said...

I haven't been to a zoo in ages so the tour is especially intrigue for me. A liked all the video taken and the kamoto dragon (I think that's the name but again I haven't been to a zoo for awhile :).

Axel said...

Hi stavanger,
Its called a komodo dragon. Enjoyed my trip very much too

Stavanger said...

Oops can't spell, it was pretty late in the night/morning.